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Blogging consistently in itself is no guarantee of traction for your website as far as visibility or revenue is concerned. Given that as of 2017, there are currently over 400 million blogs on cyberspace (and counting), how can you as an entrepreneur guarantee your target audience will find you and more importantly think that you’re credible enough to buy from. The main difference between a website that sells and one that doesn’t is the optimal usage of Keyword Research.

So, what is Keyword Research?

Google receives over 40,000 search queries every second, meaning that every single second of every day someone is searching for something online. Keyword research helps you bridge the gap between what someone is looking for in your chosen niche and the content that you are hoping to drive traffic from. In layman’s terms, a keyword is a phrase or grouping of words that is used for search purposes. For example, if a consumer wanted to know about weight loss diets, he or she would type weight loss diet in the search engine box as a query for more information. “Weight loss diet” in this example then becomes a keyword for a weight loss based niche. They key to success with keyword research is to understand the words that are most optimal as far as searches are concerned and incorporate the same words into your digital marketing strategy.

How can I do Keyword Research?

While there are a plethora of tools you can use for keyword research, one of the most popular ones is Google Adwords Keyword Planner. Using this tool, you are able to type in potential keywords and gather comprehensive data on the average volume of searches, target specific groups such as location or language, and even understand how competitive the keywords are. Competition can be strife for high performing words and it can be difficult to rank your site if there are a large number of competitors also using the same words. The keyword planner can help you choose words that have more of a low to medium level of difficulty for ranking purposes.

How do I get the Keywords?

Combing through competitor websites, online forums, and discussion groups, and your own personal niche specific knowledge base are some ways you can find potential keywords. Use the Keyword Planner to help you drill down to the specific words to use on your website.

It looks complicated, can someone help me?

Our experts are always on hand to guide you through this key component of your marketing strategy or even take it completely off your hands. At MyExperts.Solutions, we bring together our combined expertise in wealth building, entrepreneurial coaching, and digital marketing to create marketing solutions that create real results. Our team has worked with many industry leaders over the years and our testimonials can attest to the outstanding results we’ve been able to provide. Keyword Research is just one of our many fortes.

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